Head Of Department : Mr Joel Amenya
Courtesy of Israel embassy and CEMASTEA, the Chief principal Utumishi Academy undertook a diploma of Education for sustainable development in Israel. During the training, he was challenged about using our environment as useful place for learning (Place Based Learning-PBL). He was challenged on how Israel was able to thrive in a seemingly turbulent environment and pursue security and peace in all aspects of life.
After returning and with blessings from ASTU, he identified the cliff opposite the school as an important area that needed rehabi
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litation to secure the fast disappearing natural vegetation and use it for teaching and learning activities. This cliff can help in securing the environment for current and future learners in Utumishi, neighbouring schools and the community in general. Rehabilitation aims at conserving and converting this area to a big outdoor classroom/botanical/Peace garden for formal and informal learning and a place for peace meetings.
The school has several gardens that are used to further teaching and learning. These gardens are used for parent-students’ meetings; students also hold discussion groups, clubs and societies meetings, and teacher-parent-student consultation sessions. Most importantly they act as an outdoor classroom. During such sessions students learn in a relaxed environment. They can easily relate with the environment and this makes it easy for them to appreciate and conserve the surroundings. By rehabilitating the cliff, conserving and planting trees in it, the school wishes to share with other schools and the communities its commitment to peaceful co-existence and education for sustainable development. This will ensure sustainability of the school and its programs.
Great achievement has been realized so far, gardening, beautification and fencing have already been done. This has been possible through well-wishers and use of locally available materials.
The school wishes to partner with all stake holders, conservationists and parents to achieve our intended goal. We envisage the Utumishi Peace Garden that is open to students in our school, other schools and communities.
The biggest challenge towards the initial use of the garden is lack of washrooms.
As a final product we plan to name all trees using both botanical and local names and briefly explain their uses so as to elicit interest in conservation among our visitors. We plan to build few traditional huts and collect artefacts from different communities for storage and display.